R & D

R & D


Organ-on-a-chip is a technology that integrates human body-derived 3D cell co-culture techniques and microfluidics technology recreating blood flow, enabling the implementation of the microstructures and physiological functions of human organs or tissues in a small chip in an in-vitro environment.

Humanase has pioneered the core technology of biomimetic chips that faithfully recapitulates the major microstructures of each organ within a microchip, reflecting the system of supplying nutrients and drugs through blood vessels, as well as waste disposal through metabolism.

  • Efficacy and toxicity evaluation of various drug candidates and functional food substances.
  • Development of anti-cancer drugs through the mimicking tumor microenvironments (TME) in cancers.
  • Development of cancer immunotherapy through the mimicking tumor immune microenvironments.
  • Mimicking bone microstructures.
  • Mimicking microbiome microenvironments.
  • Personalized and precision medicine research platform.
  • 3D organoid differentiation and functional research platform.
  • Animal disease modeling and evaluation of efficacy and toxicity of animal disease treatments.
  • Others : User-requested implementation of human microtissue

Technical Capabilities

  • Recreating Microstructures of Organs
    We have recreated the crucial microstructures of each organ and developed chips that reflect the microfluidic flow of nutrient supply and waste elimination through blood vessels.
  • User friendly
    Designed for ease of use without the need for complex training, allowing end-users to conduct experiments easily.
  • High Throughput Screening
    Products are produced through low-cost mass production, enabling simultaneous experimentation with multiple chips, thus enabling high throughput screening.
  • Accuracy of Experiments
    By recreating the essential microstructures of human organs, we minimize the differences in experimental results derived from interspecies variations between humans and animals. This allows for more precise evaluation of drug efficacy and toxicity in human organ-like microenvironments.
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